The Medicine Bag: Shamanic Rituals & Ceremonies for Personal Transformation
Author: Ruiz, don Jose
Brand: Hierophant Publishing
Binding: Paperback
Number Of Pages: 256
Release Date: 04-02-2020
Details: Product Description One of the main tenets of shamanism is a belief in the power of ceremony to manifest change in the physical world. Virtually all shamanic traditions use a variety of ritual practices as tools for personal transformation, healing, and celebration. Now, in this exciting and practical book, Toltec shaman and New York Times best-selling author don Jose Ruiz introduces and explains a wealth of these shamanic rituals and ceremonies, and provides a detailed and accessible guide to performing them on your own. This book will teach you how to::: Choose and create power objects Build a personal altar and medicine wheel Align your life with the cycles of nature Find and work with your spirit animals Honor your ancestors, undertake power journeys, and much more Like the medicine bag itself, this book is a potent tool kit of spiritual practices meant to open you to a world of beauty, exploration, and transformation. By offering step-by-step instructions in each chapter, don Jose Ruiz has made these rituals and ceremonies accessible to everyone who feels called to travel the shamanic path. About the Author From a very young age don Jose Ruiz was guided by many teachers including his father, don Miguel Ruiz, and his grandmother, Sarita. By combining new insights with ancient wisdom, don Jose Ruiz dedicates his life to sharing the ancient Toltec wisdom by translating it into practical, everyday life concepts that promote transformation through truth, love, and common sense. He is the author of The Wisdom of the Shamans and, together with his father, don Miguel Ruiz, is the coauthor of The Fifth Agreement. Don Miguel Ruiz lives in San Diego, CA. Excerpt. © Reprinted by permission. All rights reserved. Excerpt. © Reprinted by permission. All rights reserved. Foreword When my son Jose was eleven years old, I took him and his older brother Miguel Jr., who was fourteen at the time, to Madre Grande, a mountain in Southern California. While we’d visited the mountain previously for family events that included hiking and cookouts, Madre Grande also had special significance beyond that, as it is where my mother, Sarita, a curandera, or “faith healer,” would often share with us the sacred teachings of our family’s Toltec tradition. Sarita was the keeper of the wisdom tradition of our family for her generation. After we arrived at Madre Grande that day, I asked the boys if they were ready to be initiated into the path of the Toltec, to which they both eagerly agreed. This coming-of-age ceremony took place approximately thirty years ago, and it marked the beginning of a long apprenticeship they would undertake to learn the ways of our ancestors, culminating years later in both becoming master teachers in their own right. While Jose and Miguel Jr. share much in common, they have taken slightly different routes in sharing the teachings of our family in their own unique way. Miguel Jr. has brought the ideas to a largely mainstream community, while Jose has embraced the shamanic origin of the Toltec tradition, and explained these ancient teachings in a way the modern world can understand. Unlike some forms of shamanism, the Toltec tradition places a special emphasis on unconditional love and personal healing as the means by which we create transformation in ourselves and the world. We teach that we are all the artists of our own lives, and that we have the power to change our lives if we don’t like the ones we’re living. In fact, the truth is that it’s only when we change ourselves that we change the world. This axiom has been stated in various ways by many of the great teachers in every spiritual tradition. In my opinion, this message is needed today as much as ever. When we look around this beautiful planet, we see so many of our fellow humans suffering—mentally, emotionally, spiritually, and physically—and as a result they often feel blocked from the innate sense of self-love, joy, and pea
EAN: 9781938289873
Package Dimensions: 6.9 x 5.0 x 0.7 inches
Languages: English